Keeping Cardiovascular Disease At Bay Via Weight Loss Los Altos CA Experts Recommend

By George Fisher

You have so many different organs, and one of the most important is the heart. More often than not, a problem that's related to it is regarded as something so serious. In fact, all over the planet cardiovascular disease is the leading reason behind most cases of death. Worry not because you can actually keep it at bay, and such can be done through weight loss Los Altos CA experts are highly recommending.

So many different things can cause cardiovascular disease to come into being sooner or later. They are referred to as risk factors, or matters that can considerably raise one's chance of developing illnesses or diseases. There are risk factors for heart-related problems that are unavoidable as well as avoidable.

A risk factor that you cannot do something about is age. You're likelier to encounter heart-related concerns the older you are. Another example is your gender. Statistics say that compared to women, men are at higher risk of battling problems that have something to do with the heart. Having a family history of cardiovascular disease is a risk factor that you cannot evade. You are at risk of suffering from such if you have relatives diagnosed with it.

Some risk factors for the dreaded disease can actually be avoided. Some well-known examples include cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol intake, too much stress and unhealthy eating. Doctors say that being obese is another risk factor for heart disease that can be evaded.

Having too much body pounds is linked to an elevated blood pressure reading, which is something that can put the heart and also arteries in peril. The fact is it can also endanger so many other organs, from the kidneys to the eyes. Poor management of high blood pressure can put an individual at risk of encountering either a heart attack or stroke one day.

It is very much possible for you to have elevated cholesterol if you are overweight or obese. Your arterial walls may become hardened if your blood has excessive amounts of bad cholesterol. Plaque aggregation may cause your arteries to become narrowed, which can lead to the formation of a blood clot. The presence of a blood clot is something that can increase your risk of having a stroke if it affects an artery to the brain, or a heart attack if it affects an artery to the heart.

Needless to say, it is a good idea for you to maintain an ideal weight. This is especially true if you have so many different risk factors for deadly cardiovascular disease. In order for you to lose weight, you should eat healthily and exercise regularly. Consult your doctor to prevent encountering unnecessary problems along the way.

Aside from concerns related to the cardiovascular system, getting rid of excess weight can also prevent many other serious health problems. An example is diabetes, which is incurable and also associated with all kinds of complications. According to experts, slimming down can also help lower one's risk of encountering certain cancers.

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